Businesses for Sale in South Australia
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Bakery Freehold Pinnaroo (ID: BAK24) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Not currently trading |
Staff: | n/a |
Asking Price: | Land, Building & Equipment $250,000 plus GST |
Financial Information: | n/a |
Business Description: | Fully equipped bakery and building for sale. Property includes bakehouse, all equipment and one bedroom rear unit in Pinnaroo. Not trading currently. Well situated on main road centre of town. Ready to go with new owner. |
Freehold Bakery Port Noarlunga South Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Currently Closed |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators when trading |
Asking Price: | Freehold & Business Equipment: $250,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | Available in near future |
Business Description: | Well established freehold bakery outlet Port Noarlunga South. Same owners 10 years and looking to retire. Not trading at the moment as the owners are taking a break. Good location in local centre, ideal for qualified baker looking to establish their own business. Selling freehold premises and all equipment together. Could be suitable as alternative food business. |
Bakery Outdoor Store Retail Yorke Peninsula (ID: BAK22) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-3.00pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $495,000 plus SAV $20,000 (Bakery), $250,000 (Outdoors) (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss |
Business Description: | Outstanding bakery and outdoors clothing, retail, camping and general goods store Yorke Peninsula. High turnover, high nett profit. Trades short hours but could easily go 7 days. Same owners many years. Could potentially be split into 2 separate businesses subject to acceptable conditions. No baking experience required, full baking staff employed. |
Men's Hair Dresser Northern Suburbs Major Centre (ID: HAI97) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-7.00pm, Sat 8.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator 2x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $80,000 plus SAV $2,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Mens hair dresser barber northern suburbs. Trades 5 1/2 days, good sized shop, low overheads, well staffed. Same owner many years, ideal as owner operated salon. |
Beach Kiosk, Fishing Tackle
Kiosk, Cafe, & Fishing Tackle St Kilda, with Residence (ID: CAF101) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 5.00am-5.30pm (winter hours) |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $170,000 plus SAV $50,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Very unique kiosk, cafe, and takeaway in northern suburbs at St Kilda. Same owner 22 years. Large shop selling range of fishing tackle, takeaway, coffee, permits and food generally. Very diverse and interesting business. Includes permitted ice cream and takeaway van, and 2 bedroom residence. Ideal partnership. |
Beauty & Nail Salons
Beauty and Nail Salon Salon Inner North East Suburbs (ID: BEA09) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue 9.30am-9.00pm, Wed 10.00am-5.30pm, Thu 10.00am-9.00pm, Fri 9.30am-6.00pm, Sat 8.00am-3.30pm |
Staff: | Owner Operators |
Asking Price: | Business: $48,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well set up beauty salon inner north east suburbs. Multiple rooms, could further expand nails. Low rental and overheads. Single operator but room to grow. Same owner 11 years. |
Beauty and Nail Salon Salon Inner South Major Centre (ID: BEA08) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Fri 9.00am-9.00pm, Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator |
Asking Price: | Business: $55,000 plus SAV $4,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Ultra modern fitout, well established beauty and nail salon inner southern suburbs. High traffic main road location in busy local centre with low rent. Trades 4 days, short hours, great growth potential to expand further into nails. Selling the fitout plus the nails, pedicures, waxing and tanning set up. All the facial and laser equipment will go with the vendor. |
High Turnover Butcher Large Centre Inner South (ID: BUT37) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 9.00am-6.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators |
Asking Price: | Business $160,000 plus SAV $12,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High turnover butcher shop inner south. Well established butcher on main road in large centre. Showing good growth, brand new fitout, good parking and access. |
High Turnover Butcher Shop Major Centre Glenelg (ID: BUT36) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 7.00am-6.00pm, Sat 7.00am-5.00pm, Sun 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator (part time) Staff as per roster Partially managed |
Asking Price: | Business $280,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High turnover butcher inner south major shopping centre Glenelg. Well established butcher shop in high foot traffic busy mall location opposite major supermarket. Same owner many years, modern fiout, partially managed. |
Butcher High Turnover Major Centre Northern Suburbs (ID: BUT35) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-9.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm, Sun 11.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | Under Management Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $220,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High turnover butcher shop in major northern shopping centre. Same owner many years, fully staffed and under management. Good position in high foot traffic mall location. High profit for owner operator or investor. Ideal investor or partnership. |
Butcher South East Suburbs (ID: BUT33) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 7.30am-6.00pm, Thu 7.30am-7.00pm, Sat 7.30am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Apprentice 1x Full time 2x Casuals 1x Cleaner Casual |
Asking Price: | Business $180,000 plus SAV $7,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High profit local butcher in large centre northeast suburbs. Well equipped and modern fitout. Busy mall location adjacent large retailer. Same owner many years. |
Butcher Shop Glenelg  (ID: BUT02) Sold
Turnover: | High Turnover |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 6.00am-6.00pm, Sat/Sun 6.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 3x Full Time 4x Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | $165,000 plus SAV $15,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established butcher shop, main street Glenelg. Top location, high foot traffic, same owner many years. Well equipped, high turnover, high return owner operator. |
Cafes, Delis, Coffee, & Snackbars
Cafe High Turnover Normanvilla (ID: CAF102) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 8.00am-3.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $225,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | High turnover cafe in Normanville. Well established cafe on main road, good high foot traffic location. Same owner many years, very short hours with potential to grow with later closing. Modern fitout, ideal partnership or family. |
Kiosk, Cafe, & Fishing Tackle St Kilda, with Residence (ID: CAF101) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 5.00am-5.30pm (winter hours) |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $170,000 plus SAV $50,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Very unique kiosk, cafe, and takeaway in northern suburbs at St Kilda. Same owner 22 years. Large shop selling range of fishing tackle, takeaway, coffee, permits and food generally. Very diverse and interesting business. Includes permitted ice cream and takeaway van, and 2 bedroom residence. Ideal partnership. |
Snack Bar and Food Vans Inner North (ID: CAF100) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 6.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $390,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | High turnover cafe snack bar and food vans. Well established cafe on main road inner north. Same owner 20 years, short hours, with potential to grow with later closing. Large well equipped snack bar with modern fitout. Sale includes 5 food vans, freehold premises of snack bar and food van storage unit negotiable (2 units). |
Cafe Unley (Bricks and Stones) High Turnover (ID: CAF99) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $215,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High turnover cafe in Unley (Bricks and Stones). Well established cafe on main road adjacent major centre. Same owner many years, short hours with potential to grow with later closing. Modern fitout. |
Deli Lotto Davoren Park (ID: DEL18) Request more info
Turnover: | $13,000 pw plus Lotto Commissions |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-7.00pm, Sat/Sun 8.30am-7.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business: $100,000 plus SAV $30,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established Deli/Snack, Lotto Davoren Park. Low overheads, consistent turnover in local centre, same owner 10 years. Recent new lotto upgrade, ideal for owner operator. |
General Store Edithburgh Freehold (ID: GEN05) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Sun 8.00am-7.00pm, Remainder 8.00am-7.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Building: $650,000 plus SAV $60,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold General Store, takeaway, and fuel outlet in Edithburgh. High turnover, well equipped shop. Brilliant property, 3 bedrooms, large shop area. Very large backyard with substantial shedding, one bedroom bedsitter with wet area (ideal for older child). Courtyard and verandah area suitable for outdoor dining. |
Cafe Snack Bar High Turnover Southern Subrbs (ID: CAF85) Request more info
Turnover: | As per details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 8.00am-5.30pm, Sun Closed |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $145,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Large well equipped 6 day cafe southern suburbs. Great high traffic position in major shopping mall. Good growth potential from adjacent developments. Same owners 16 years. Opportunity to open Sundays and Thursday nights to further grow the business. |
Snack Bar/Cafe Woodville 5 days Under Contract
Turnover: | $6,500+ pw |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 6.00am-3.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner operaters Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | $60,000 plus SAV $3,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding snack bar, main road, large shop, strong catering sales. Easy parking and access, modern fitout, very short hours with low rental |
Service Station, Roadhouse & General Store Wellington Freehold Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Winter 7.30am-6.00pm, Summer 7.30am-7.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner 2x Casuals |
Asking Price: | Business: $119,000 W.I.W.O Building & Land: $580,000 plus GST (if applicable) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established roadhouse, minimart. Large premises, well equipped, 2 bedroom residence. Good position adjacent ferry crossing on busy road to south east. |
Bakery Hight Turnover Western Suburbs Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs Robe: | Mon 7.45am-6.00pm, Tue-Sun 8.00am-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owners Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | Business: $160,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established high turnover bakery and bakery outlet in two busy south east townships. High net return for owner operator. Selling leasehold or freehold. Strong cash flow, ideal partnership or family. |
Beachside Cafe Takeaway Seacliff Park (ID: CAF19) Sold
Turnover: | as per form 2 |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 8.00am-5.00pm Winter, Optional Summer |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 3x Casuals (Winter) |
Asking Price: | $90,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding location on the beachfront Seacliff Park. Two shops set up for licensed cafe, takeaway, ice creams and general quick food. Huge summer trade, great location opposite popular beach and boardwalk. Fully equipped and ready to go. |
Chicken Shops, Pizza Bars, Fish & Chips, Yiros & Takeaways
Chicken Shop Takeaway Mitchell Park High Turnover (ID: CHI83) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 11.00am-8.30pm |
Staff: | Owner Operaters Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $180,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | High turnover chicken shop takeaway Mitchell Park. Large shop, on main road, well equipped, same owner many years. Training available, ideal partnership/family. |
Fish & Chip Takeaway Elizabeth (ID: CHI70) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 6 days 11.00am-7.30pm, Mon closed |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operater 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business $65,000 plus SAV $3,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established takeaway in Elizabeth Downs. Trades 6 days, short hours. Well equipped busy local centre, easy access and parking. Ideal owner operator, neat and tidy takeaway, large shop. Consistent turnover, busy local shopping centre adjacent IGA. Low rental, could go 7 days with new owner, training available. |
Pizza Bar Southern Suburbs 5 Days (ID: PZA38) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue-Sat 4.00pm-9.00pm, Sun/Mon closed |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operaters Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $78,000 plus SAV $4,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established local pizza bar southern suburbs. Well equipped shop, busy local centre, very short hours, only trading 5 days. Good potential to increase turnover with additional hours. |
Chicken Takeaway High Turnover Southern Suburbs (ID: CHI82) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 10.00am-8.30pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $280,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Outstanding high turnover chicken shop takeaway southern area. Same owner many years, high foot traffic location in major centre. Large well equipped shop, ideal partnership or family. |
High Turnover Fish & Chips 6 days Northeast Suburbs (ID: CHI81) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 6 days Tue-Sun 11.00am-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $119,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established fish and chip shop takeaway northeast suburbs. Trades 6 days, same owner 38 years and looking to retire. Good high foot traffic location in large centre. |
High Turnover Takeaway McLaren Vale (ID: CHI80)
Details available from agent Trading Hrs:
7 days 10.30am-8.00pm Staff:
Under Management
Staff as per rosterAsking Price:
Business: $85,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) Financial Information:
As per Form 2 Business Description:
High turnover takeaway McLaren Vale. Well established chicken takeaway on main road.
Same owner many years, modern fitout. Under management but ideal as owner operator.
Yiros Takeaway North West Suburbs Port Adelaide Major Centre (ID: CHI79) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-8.00pm, Thu 9.00am-9.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $120,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Established yiros takeaway in major centre Port Adelaide. Prime frontal location, modern shop fitout with indoor and outdoor seating. Ideal owner operator. |
Chicken Shop Takeaway Southern Suburbs High Turnover (ID: CHI74) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 9.30am-8.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $60,000 plus SAV $12,000 (approx) Price Reduced for quick sale. |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | High turnover chicken takeaway Morphett Vale, southern suburbs. Large modern shop, well equipped, good parking adjacent major retailer. Busy local centre, good for family or partnership. Owner keen to sell, price negotiable. Selling for way below plant and equipment replacement cost. Absolute bargain, owner wants it sold. |
Fish & Chip Takeaway High Turnover North East (ID: CHI50) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 9.00am-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | Business: $79,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Outstanding fitout, high turnover takeaway on main road north east suburbs. Large modern shop, needs nothing to be spent on new equipment. Consistent trading, showing growth, ideal partnership or family. |
Chicken Shop Takeaway North Haven High Turnover (ID: CHI36) Request more info
Turnover: | As per details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Sat-Wed 11.00am-8.00pm, Thu/Fri 11.00am-8.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Full time 6x Casuals |
Asking Price: | Business $300,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Large well equipped shop, busy foot traffic area in major centre North Haven. Good parking and access, well situated on main road. High turnover, high profit, ideal partnership or couple. |
Chicken Takeaway Inner West (near City) 6 days (ID: CHI53) Request more info
Turnover: | High Turnover |
Trading Hrs: | 5 days 10.30am-8.00pm, Mon & Sun Closed |
Staff: | Owner operated Casuals as per roster |
Asking Price: | $150,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Immaculate shop, busy takeaway, only trading 6 days. Good position on main road, great access and parking. Large shop with low rental, consistent turnover. Priced well, situated inner west suburbs near city. |
Beachside Cafe Takeaway Seacliff Park (ID: CAF19) Sold
Turnover: | as per form 2 |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 8.00am-5.00pm Winter, Optional Summer |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 3x Casuals (Winter) |
Asking Price: | $90,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding location on the beachfront Seacliff Park. Two shops set up for licensed cafe, takeaway, ice creams and general quick food. Huge summer trade, great location opposite popular beach and boardwalk. Fully equipped and ready to go. |
Food Mall Takeaway Southern Major Centre (ID: CHI04) Request more info
Turnover: | $4,000 pw |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thur 9.00am-9.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm, Sun 11.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 2x Part-time |
Asking Price: | $85,000 plus SAV $1,500 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High traffic flow mall position, good fitout, high gross profit, easly run, training available. |
Clothing, Footwear, Alterations, Retail
Leather and Ugg Boot Retail and Clothing Alterations (ID: RET03) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 9.00am-5.00pm, Sun 12.00pm-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Glenelg Business: $50,000 plus SAV $150,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Leather and ugg boot retail business. Established clothing alteration and mending business in Glenelg. High foot traffic location on main road opposite major shopping centre. Large shop, established many years, owner looking to retire. |
Coober Pedy
Residential Building Site Coober Pedy (ID: CBP02) Request more info
Asking Price: | $39,000 |
Business Description: | Residential Building Site. |
Residential Building Site Coober Pedy (ID: CBP03) Request more info
Asking Price: | $30,000 |
Business Description: | Residential Building Site. |
Two Residences and Office Coober Pedy (ID: CBP04) Request more info
Asking Price: | $350,000 includes 2 Residences (3 bedroom and 2 bedroom), office building. Optional: 2 dugout development sites at $40,000 each. |
Business Description: | 2 Residences (3 bedroom and 2 bedroom), Office Building |
Country Businesses
General Store (ID: GEN07) Request more info
Turnover: | Not Trading |
Trading Hrs: | Not Trading |
Staff: | n/a |
Asking Price: | Freehold Property, Land, & Building: $375,000 plus GST Plant and Equipment: $50,000 plus GST |
Financial Information: | n/a |
Business Description: | Freehold land and building. Previously run as Coobowie General Store. Multiple retail and storage areas. 3-4 bedrooms with lounge. Situated on main road with easy access and good parking. Ideal as a new startup or could be holiday shack (subject to consents). Was trading as general store for many years, multiple uses possible. Plant and equipment (full fitout) available for $50,000 plus GST. |
Bakery Outdoor Store Retail Yorke Peninsula (ID: BAK22) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-3.00pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $495,000 plus SAV $20,000 (Bakery), $250,000 (Outdoors) (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss |
Business Description: | Outstanding bakery and outdoors clothing, retail, camping and general goods store Yorke Peninsula. High turnover, high nett profit. Trades short hours but could easily go 7 days. Same owners many years. Could potentially be split into 2 separate businesses subject to acceptable conditions. No baking experience required, full baking staff employed. |
Curtains & Blinds Business Southern Fleurieu (ID: CUR01) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 2x Part time |
Asking Price: | $380,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Curtains and blinds business southern Fleurieu. High profit, high turnover, low overheads. Over $1 million in annual sales. Same owner many years and looking for a break after 27 years in the business in Victor Harbor. Trades short hours. Well presented shop in a prominent high traffic flow location on main road in the heart of Victor Harbor. Well trained and highly experienced staff. Business has a supply contract with local retirement village, strong relationship with builders, and an extensive database of past customers with a large amount of repeat business. Operates with sub-contract installers. Short hours with minimal weekend work. Full product training offered. |
Service Station Mechanic Stansbury (ID: MEC17) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat/Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time (Father) |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Buildings: $520,000 plus SAV $230,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold service station, mechanical repairs, RAA service and hardware store Stansbury. Large modern workshop and retail display area. High turnover with room to grow. Same owner many years |
Laundry Services Kangaroo Island High Turnover Freehold (ID: LRY02) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owners As per schedule |
Asking Price: | Business: $500,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) Land and Buildings: $500,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Exceptional industrial/commercial and retail laundry business Kangaroo Island. High turnover, modern fully equipped facility. The business services the Kangaroo Island hospitality/accomodation sector and domestic customers. Well established and recently upgraded. Same owners 16 years, full training available. |
General Store Edithburgh Freehold (ID: GEN05) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Sun 8.00am-7.00pm, Remainder 8.00am-7.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Building: $650,000 plus SAV $60,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold General Store, takeaway, and fuel outlet in Edithburgh. High turnover, well equipped shop. Brilliant property, 3 bedrooms, large shop area. Very large backyard with substantial shedding, one bedroom bedsitter with wet area (ideal for older child). Courtyard and verandah area suitable for outdoor dining. |
Supermarket Elliston For Sale (Freehold) (ID: SUP26) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat/Sun 9.00am-12.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operated Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | Business $480,000 plus Stock Stock $120,000 approx Commercial Building $260,000 House and Land $375,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Elliston Supermarket for sale freehold. Outstanding country supermarket.
High profit for owner operator.
Selling business and freehold property together with adjoining house and land.
Ideal family or partnership, short hours, well established. Are you looking for a sea change? Elliston is situated 1.5 hours north of Port Lincoln (the seafood capital of Australia), on the pristine West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula. Elliston offers excellent fishing, surfing, and camping on a vast untouched coastline. The Elliston Supermarket is a high profit business in a superb location. Trading 6 days per week, 7 days over summer. Excellent opportunity for a semi-retired couple or a family looking to escape city life. |
Country Hotels & Motels
Hotel West Coast Lock Freehold (ID: COU14) Request more info
Turnover: | $$$$$ pw |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Thu 11.00am-12.00pm, Fri & Sat 11.00am-2.00pm, Sun 2.00pm-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Casual |
Asking Price: | Business, Land & Buildings $310,000 plus SAV $20,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Large hotel centre of town. Well established with potential growth. Freehold includes 6 accomodation units, hotel and owners residence. |

Curtains & Blinds
Curtains & Blinds Business Southern Fleurieu (ID: CUR01) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 2x Part time |
Asking Price: | $380,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Curtains and blinds business southern Fleurieu. High profit, high turnover, low overheads. Over $1 million in annual sales. Same owner many years and looking for a break after 27 years in the business in Victor Harbor. Trades short hours. Well presented shop in a prominent high traffic flow location on main road in the heart of Victor Harbor. Well trained and highly experienced staff. Business has a supply contract with local retirement village, strong relationship with builders, and an extensive database of past customers with a large amount of repeat business. Operates with sub-contract installers. Short hours with minimal weekend work. Full product training offered. |
Delis & Minimarts
Deli South (ID: DEL03) Request more info
Turnover: | $12,000 pw |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 7.00am-8.00pm, Sat/Sun 7.30am-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Casual |
Asking Price: | $139,000 plus SAV $40,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Busy shop in high traffic local centre. Easy parking and access, low overheads, good profit, owner operator. |
Food Vans
Snack Bar and Food Vans Inner North (ID: CAF100) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 6.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $390,000 plus SAV $8,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | High turnover cafe snack bar and food vans. Well established cafe on main road inner north. Same owner 20 years, short hours, with potential to grow with later closing. Large well equipped snack bar with modern fitout. Sale includes 5 food vans, freehold premises of snack bar and food van storage unit negotiable (2 units). |
General Stores
General Store (ID: GEN07) Request more info
Turnover: | Not Trading |
Trading Hrs: | Not Trading |
Staff: | n/a |
Asking Price: | Freehold Property, Land, & Building: $375,000 plus GST Plant and Equipment: $50,000 plus GST |
Financial Information: | n/a |
Business Description: | Freehold land and building. Previously run as Coobowie General Store. Multiple retail and storage areas. 3-4 bedrooms with lounge. Situated on main road with easy access and good parking. Ideal as a new startup or could be holiday shack (subject to consents). Was trading as general store for many years, multiple uses possible. Plant and equipment (full fitout) available for $50,000 plus GST. |
Freehold Service Station General Store Edithburgh Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 8.00am-6.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators |
Asking Price: | Business: $100,000 W.I.W.O |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Service Station, General Store and three bedroom house, Edithburg. Leasehold $100,000 W.I.W.O. Lease available $400/wk + GST + Outgoings. High traffic corner location, good fuel sales. Well stocked retail area selling groceries, fishing gear, hardware, and general items. Some mechanical, tyre sales, and repairs. Owner is retiring and has priced to sell. Freehold also available for $315,000. |
General Store Edithburgh Freehold (ID: GEN05) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Sun 8.00am-7.00pm, Remainder 8.00am-7.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Building: $650,000 plus SAV $60,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold General Store, takeaway, and fuel outlet in Edithburgh. High turnover, well equipped shop. Brilliant property, 3 bedrooms, large shop area. Very large backyard with substantial shedding, one bedroom bedsitter with wet area (ideal for older child). Courtyard and verandah area suitable for outdoor dining. |
General Store Post Office Yorke Peninsula Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 8.00am-5.00pm, Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding General Store, Marion Bay, Yorke Peninsula. Iconic high turnover general store, post office, laundry, fuel, gas bottle, general grocery, takeaway, bait, and ice sales. This store has it all, brilliant brand new fitout, outstanding views to the coastline and jetty. Great location on main road, services visitors to one of South Australia's go to National Parks. Get in before summer to reap the high holiday trade. |
Hair Salons All
Hair Salon Inner North East Suburbs Major Centre (ID: HAI112) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.30am-2.00pm, Mon closed |
Staff: | 1x Owner As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $68,000 plus SAV $4,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Modern salon in major centre inner north/inner north east. Excellent high foot traffic mall position, high turnover. Good for partnership, and hands on owner. |
Hair Salon Adelaide Hills (Uraidla) Selling 1/3 (ID: HAI110) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 1-2 days per week |
Staff: | Owner Operator |
Asking Price: | Business: $12,000 plus SAV $1,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established hair salon Adelaide Hills (Uraidla). Owner selling 1/3 share of business. Very short hours, low overheads, modern looking salon in main street location. Owner looking to retire. |
Hair Salon Craigmore (ID: HAI109) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Sat 9.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $75,000 plus SAV $20,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Established many years, huge well equipped shop in major centre northern suburbs. High foot traffic mall position, great location and fitout. Owners wanting to retire. Ideal for couple or partnership. |
Hair Salon Major Centre Inner North (ID: HAI105) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-9.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $20,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Modern salon in major centre inner north suburbs. Busy high foot traffic mall location. Large centre with major supermarkets. Ideal owner operator. |
Men's Hair Dresser Adelaide CBD Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.00am-12.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator |
Asking Price: | Business: $35,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Mens hair dresser Adelaide city, main road position, Adelaide CBD. Same owner 18 years, well established salon with low overheads. Trades 5 1/2 days, good high foot traffic location, ideal owner operator. |
Men's Hair Dresser Northern Suburbs Major Centre (ID: HAI97) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-7.00pm, Sat 8.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator 2x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $80,000 plus SAV $2,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Mens hair dresser barber northern suburbs. Trades 5 1/2 days, good sized shop, low overheads, well staffed. Same owner many years, ideal as owner operated salon. |
Hair Salon Glenelg 4 Days (ID: HAI83) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Fri 9.00am-6.00pm, Thu 9.00am-8.00pm, Sat 8.30am-3.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Full time assistant Full time senior |
Asking Price: | Business: $68,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Very short hour salon Glenelg, trades 4 days only. Low overheads, same owner 7 years, fresh modern salon with new fitout. Busy main road position with easy access and parking. Owner willing to stay on for a negotiated term. |
Hair Salon Brighton (ID: HAI12) Sold
Turnover: | $4,000 pw |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Thu 9.00am-8.00pm, Sat 8.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 2x Permanent Part Time |
Asking Price: | $39,000 plus SAV $5,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Immaculate salon, main road, busy local centre, modern fitout, easy access from main road. |
Hair Salons Eastern Suburbs
Hair Salon Eastern Suburbs Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Thu 9.00am-9.00pm, Wed/Fri 9.00am-6.00pm Sat 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator |
Asking Price: | Business: $18,000 plus SAV $4,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Hair salon eastern suburbs, trades 5 days, busy main road position. Owner operated but potential to expand with additional staff. Low rental and overheads. |
Hair Salons Northern/Inner Northern Suburbs
Hair Salon Inner North East Suburbs Major Centre (ID: HAI112) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.30am-2.00pm, Mon closed |
Staff: | 1x Owner As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $68,000 plus SAV $4,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Modern salon in major centre inner north/inner north east. Excellent high foot traffic mall position, high turnover. Good for partnership, and hands on owner. |
Hair Salon Major Centre Inner North (ID: HAI105) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-9.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $20,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Modern salon in major centre inner north suburbs. Busy high foot traffic mall location. Large centre with major supermarkets. Ideal owner operator. |
Men's Hair Dresser Northern Suburbs Major Centre (ID: HAI97) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu 9.00am-7.00pm, Sat 8.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator 2x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $80,000 plus SAV $2,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Mens hair dresser barber northern suburbs. Trades 5 1/2 days, good sized shop, low overheads, well staffed. Same owner many years, ideal as owner operated salon. |
Hair Salons North Eastern/Inner North Eastern Suburbs
Hair Salons Southern/Inner Southern Suburbs
Hair Salon Brighton (ID: HAI12) Sold
Turnover: | $4,000 pw |
Trading Hrs: | Tue/Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.00pm, Thu 9.00am-8.00pm, Sat 8.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 2x Permanent Part Time |
Asking Price: | $39,000 plus SAV $5,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Immaculate salon, main road, busy local centre, modern fitout, easy access from main road. |
Hair Salons Western Suburbs
Hair Salon Glenelg 4 Days (ID: HAI83) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Fri 9.00am-6.00pm, Thu 9.00am-8.00pm, Sat 8.30am-3.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Full time assistant Full time senior |
Asking Price: | Business: $68,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Very short hour salon Glenelg, trades 4 days only. Low overheads, same owner 7 years, fresh modern salon with new fitout. Busy main road position with easy access and parking. Owner willing to stay on for a negotiated term. |
Home Improvements
Home Renovation Business (ID: TRD10) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 5 days 8.30am-4.30pm + Quoting |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Contractors as required |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established home renovation business, high profit for owner operator. Specialises in verandahs, carports, decking and pool fencing. Business has been operating since 2008. Large fee base, good ongoing work, training available. |
Paving Centre Retail Gepps Cross (ID: HMI01) Request more info
Turnover: | $20,000+ pw projected |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.00am-4.00pm, Sun 9.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Casual |
Asking Price: | $270,000 plus SAV $45,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss Statement (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Established retail paving centre, specialising in the sale of paving, wall stone and miscellaneous products. Well located, high profile position, high turnover, ideal owner operator. |
Tantanoola Hotel (ID: HOT01) Request more info
Turnover: | As per details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Thu/Sun 2.00pm-Close, Fri/Sat 1.00pm-Close, Mon/Tue Closed |
Staff: | 1x Full time 1x Chef Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | $80,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Modern well equipped local south east country hotel.
Centre of town on main street, good agencies, high meal trade.
Efficient layout with modern meals area, good kitchen and facilities.
Ideal for experienced operator. |
Hotel West Coast Lock Freehold (ID: COU14) Request more info
Turnover: | $$$$$ pw |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Thu 11.00am-12.00pm, Fri & Sat 11.00am-2.00pm, Sun 2.00pm-8.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Casual |
Asking Price: | Business, Land & Buildings $310,000 plus SAV $20,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Large hotel centre of town. Well established with potential growth. Freehold includes 6 accomodation units, hotel and owners residence. |

Ice Cream
Ice Cream Gelati Business Adelaide Hills Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available by appt |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 10.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator |
Asking Price: | Business $85,000 plus SAV $2,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Very profitable gelati business in Hahndorf. Prime location in main street, centre of town. High foot traffic location. Good profit owner operator, showing excellent post-COVID growth. Same owner 22 years, full training available. |
Laundry Services Kangaroo Island High Turnover Freehold (ID: LRY02) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owners As per schedule |
Asking Price: | Business: $500,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) Land and Buildings: $500,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Exceptional industrial/commercial and retail laundry business Kangaroo Island. High turnover, modern fully equipped facility. The business services the Kangaroo Island hospitality/accomodation sector and domestic customers. Well established and recently upgraded. Same owners 16 years, full training available. |
Lotto Agency
Newsagency Lotto Northern Suburbs Major Centre Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu-Fri 9.00am-7.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operaters |
Asking Price: | Business $35,000 plus SAV $45,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Newsagency and high turnover lotto agency in major centre northern suburbs. High foot traffic mall position opposite major retailer. Good net return for owner operator. Ideal business for owner operator or partnership. |
Mechanical, Tyres, Auto Electrical Workshops, Engineering
Automotive Workshop Mechanical Southern Suburbs (ID: MEC18) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Full time |
Asking Price: | Business: $100,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established automotive and diesel workshop. Southern suburbs, high turnover, consistent work with plenty of room to grow. Low rental and overheads. Situated in busy industrial estate, ideal owner operator. |
Service Station Mechanic Stansbury (ID: MEC17) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat/Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time (Father) |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Buildings: $520,000 plus SAV $230,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold service station, mechanical repairs, RAA service and hardware store Stansbury. Large modern workshop and retail display area. High turnover with room to grow. Same owner many years. |
Mechanical Franchise Southern Suburbs Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.00am-12.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time 1x Full time apprentice |
Asking Price: | Business: $70,000 plus SAV $5,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established franchised mechanical outlet Christies Beach. Same owner 16 years, selling below equipment replacement cost. Busy main road location, easy access to workshop with room to expand. Priced to sell. |
Mechanical Automotive Service Franchise Southern Suburbs High Turnover Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.00pm, Sat 8.00am-12.00pm |
Staff: | Manager 2x Full time |
Asking Price: | $240,000 plus SAV $25,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Mechanical franchise southern suburbs. Large well equipped premises, high turnover/net profit, great location on busy main road. Good potential to expand into other mechanical services, same owner many years. |
Newsagency Lotto Northern Suburbs Major Centre Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Wed/Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Thu-Fri 9.00am-7.00pm, Sat 9.00am-5.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operaters |
Asking Price: | Business $35,000 plus SAV $45,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Newsagency and high turnover lotto agency in major centre northern suburbs. High foot traffic mall position opposite major retailer. Good net return for owner operator. Ideal business for owner operator or partnership. |
Bakery Outdoor Store Retail Yorke Peninsula (ID: BAK22) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-3.00pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $495,000 plus SAV $20,000 (Bakery), $250,000 (Outdoors) (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss |
Business Description: | Outstanding bakery and outdoors clothing, retail, camping and general goods store Yorke Peninsula. High turnover, high nett profit. Trades short hours but could easily go 7 days. Same owners many years. Could potentially be split into 2 separate businesses subject to acceptable conditions. No baking experience required, full baking staff employed. |
Pet Store, Pet Grooming
Pet Store and Accessories Stirling Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm, Sat 9.00am-3.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 4x Casuals |
Asking Price: | Business: $85,000 plus SAV $45,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | High turnover, high profit pet store, retail pet products and accessories in busy Adelaide Hills suburb. Good high foot traffic position, easy parking and access. Same owner many years, short hours, ideal partnership/couple. |
Post Office
General Store Post Office Yorke Peninsula Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 8.00am-5.00pm, Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding General Store, Marion Bay, Yorke Peninsula. Iconic high turnover general store, post office, laundry, fuel, gas bottle, general grocery, takeaway, bait, and ice sales. This store has it all, brilliant brand new fitout, outstanding views to the coastline and jetty. Great location on main road, services visitors to one of South Australia's go to National Parks. Get in before summer to reap the high holiday trade. |
Property Services and Maintenance
Property Services & Property Maintenance (ID: TRD07) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 24/7 |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $595,000 plus SAV $25,000 (approx) Freehold Property Available |
Financial Information: | As per Profit & Loss |
Business Description: | Outstanding property services and property maintenance business. Also provides rapid response damage and property restoration services. Well established client base encompassing government, aged care, private firms, insurance work, commercial managers and developers. The business is showing consistent year on year income and profit. Owned by the same owner for many years. Owner will stay on for a negotiated term to assist in transition. |
Service Stations
General Store (ID: GEN07) Request more info
Turnover: | Not Trading |
Trading Hrs: | Not Trading |
Staff: | n/a |
Asking Price: | Freehold Property, Land, & Building: $375,000 plus GST Plant and Equipment: $50,000 plus GST |
Financial Information: | n/a |
Business Description: | Freehold land and building. Previously run as Coobowie General Store. Multiple retail and storage areas. 3-4 bedrooms with lounge. Situated on main road with easy access and good parking. Ideal as a new startup or could be holiday shack (subject to consents). Was trading as general store for many years, multiple uses possible. Plant and equipment (full fitout) available for $50,000 plus GST. |
Service Station Mechanic Stansbury (ID: MEC17) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat/Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator 1x Full time (Father) |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Buildings: $520,000 plus SAV $230,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold service station, mechanical repairs, RAA service and hardware store Stansbury. Large modern workshop and retail display area. High turnover with room to grow. Same owner many years. |
Freehold Service Station General Store Edithburgh Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 8.00am-6.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators |
Asking Price: | Business: $100,000 W.I.W.O |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Service Station, General Store and three bedroom house, Edithburg. Leasehold $100,000 W.I.W.O. Lease available $400/wk + GST + Outgoings. High traffic corner location, good fuel sales. Well stocked retail area selling groceries, fishing gear, hardware, and general items. Some mechanical, tyre sales, and repairs. Owner is retiring and has priced to sell. Freehold also available for $315,000. |
General Store Edithburgh Freehold (ID: GEN05) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Wed/Sun 8.00am-7.00pm, Remainder 8.00am-7.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators 1x Part time |
Asking Price: | Business, Land, & Building: $650,000 plus SAV $60,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Freehold General Store, takeaway, and fuel outlet in Edithburgh. High turnover, well equipped shop. Brilliant property, 3 bedrooms, large shop area. Very large backyard with substantial shedding, one bedroom bedsitter with wet area (ideal for older child). Courtyard and verandah area suitable for outdoor dining. |
General Store Post Office Yorke Peninsula Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 8.00am-5.00pm, Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding General Store, Marion Bay, Yorke Peninsula. Iconic high turnover general store, post office, laundry, fuel, gas bottle, general grocery, takeaway, bait, and ice sales. This store has it all, brilliant brand new fitout, outstanding views to the coastline and jetty. Great location on main road, services visitors to one of South Australia's go to National Parks. Get in before summer to reap the high holiday trade. |
Service Station, Roadhouse & General Store Wellington Freehold Under Contract
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Winter 7.30am-6.00pm, Summer 7.30am-7.00pm |
Staff: | 1x Owner 2x Casuals |
Asking Price: | Business: $119,000 W.I.W.O Building & Land: $580,000 plus GST (if applicable) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Well established roadhouse, minimart. Large premises, well equipped, 2 bedroom residence. Good position adjacent ferry crossing on busy road to south east. |
IGA Supermarket Inner South (ID: SUP40) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sun 7.00am-8.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $420,000 plus SAV $200,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit and Loss |
Business Description: | High turnover IGA supermarket inner south. Modern shop in local shopping centre, great access and parking, low overheads. Partially managed, good shop for partnership or family. |
Supermarket Post Office Snowtown Freehold Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm, Sun 11.00am-1.00pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business & Freehold $575,000 plus SAV $120,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | IGA supermarket and post office freehold mid-north. Main road, centre of town, good growth potential with additional stock or retailing. |
Supermarket Southern Yorke Peninsula Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat 8.30am-12.30pm, Sun 9.30am-12.30pm |
Staff: | 2x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business $430,000+ plus SAV $150,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Outstanding supermarket southern Yorke Peninsula. Short hours, modern, well stocked store, low overheads. Ideal as an owner operator. |
General Store Post Office Yorke Peninsula Under Contract
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Sat 8.00am-5.00pm, Sun 8.00am-4.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operator As per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $100,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding General Store, Marion Bay, Yorke Peninsula. Iconic high turnover general store, post office, laundry, fuel, gas bottle, general grocery, takeaway, bait, and ice sales. This store has it all, brilliant brand new fitout, outstanding views to the coastline and jetty. Great location on main road, services visitors to one of South Australia's go to National Parks. Get in before summer to reap the high holiday trade. |
Supermarket Elliston For Sale (Freehold) (ID: SUP26) Request more info
Turnover: | Details from agent |
Trading Hrs: | Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm, Sat/Sun 9.00am-12.00pm |
Staff: | Owner Operated Casuals as required |
Asking Price: | Business $480,000 plus Stock Stock $120,000 approx Commercial Building $260,000 House and Land $375,000 |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Elliston Supermarket for sale freehold. Outstanding country supermarket.
High profit for owner operator.
Selling business and freehold property together with adjoining house and land.
Ideal family or partnership, short hours, well established. Are you looking for a sea change? Elliston is situated 1.5 hours north of Port Lincoln (the seafood capital of Australia), on the pristine West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula. Elliston offers excellent fishing, surfing, and camping on a vast untouched coastline. The Elliston Supermarket is a high profit business in a superb location. Trading 6 days per week, 7 days over summer. Excellent opportunity for a semi-retired couple or a family looking to escape city life. |
IGA Supermarket Inner North Sold (ID: SUP04) Request more info
Turnover: | $53,000 pw |
Trading Hrs: | 7 days 7.30am-9.00pm |
Staff: | 4x Owner Operators Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | $495,000 plus SAV $250,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Profit & Loss Statement (available upon request from Whan Holdings Pty Ltd) |
Business Description: | Outstanding fitout only 18 months old. High turnover IGA on main road, good off street parking. Large modern store. Well equipped, showing good growth. |
Property Services & Property Maintenance (ID: TRD07) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 24/7 |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Staff as per roster |
Asking Price: | Business: $595,000 plus SAV $25,000 (approx) Freehold Property Available |
Financial Information: | As per Profit & Loss |
Business Description: | Outstanding property services and property maintenance business. Also provides rapid response damage and property restoration services. Well established client base encompassing government, aged care, private firms, insurance work, commercial managers and developers. The business is showing consistent year on year income and profit. Owned by the same owner for many years. Owner will stay on for a negotiated term to assist in transition. |
Home Renovation Business (ID: TRD10) Request more info
Turnover: | Details available from agent |
Trading Hrs: | 5 days 8.30am-4.30pm + Quoting |
Staff: | 1x Owner Operator Contractors as required |
Asking Price: | Business: $200,000 plus SAV $10,000 (approx) |
Financial Information: | As per Form 2 |
Business Description: | Well established home renovation business, high profit for owner operator. Specialises in verandahs, carports, decking and pool fencing. Business has been operating since 2008. Large fee base, good ongoing work, training available. |