Thinking of selling your business?



Preparing your Business for Sale & FAQ's


How much is my business worth?

This is of course assessed individually for each business, Whan Holdings Pty Ltd offers no-obligation, free appraisals which will give you an idea of how much you will be able to sell your business for. Of course presentation of the business to it's very best potential is a great asset, we can also advise on what strategies you can implement prior to listing your business for sale to further improve what it will sell for.


What fees & charges are involved in selling?

Whan Holdings Pty Ltd charges an initial Listing Fee (which will be discussed at appraisal stage) which includes all weekly advertising from the moment your business is listed until the end of the listing period. A commission fee will apply upon sale of your business, this is agreed to at time of listing and of course varies from business to business, this includes all Contract preparation and administration costs.


Why do I need a current Form 2?

It is the legal requirement for the sale of any small business in South Australia to have a current Form 2 available. This enables purchasers to make an accurate evaluation of the business they are looking to buy. A Form 2 can only be prepared by a Registered Accountant.


What can I expect from my Agent?

Whan Holdings Pty Ltd will advise you from the very start what paper work and information you will need to provide. A detailed assessment of your business is undertaken and your business is listed with our company for a set period of time. During this time your business will be marketed in various ways, usually weekly advertising in a major newspaper is sufficient, however, some businesses required specialised or additional marketing, this can take form in national advertising, mail outs using Whan Holdings Pty Ltd extensive business database, or contacting our list of purchasers that have specified certain requirements in a business they are looking for.